The Leadership Management of ALTAIR CAPITAL presently own or have owned majority and minority positions in private companies and partnerships.
The team at ALTAIR CAPITAL brings substantial experience to the financial and business context of challenging commercial situations, working capital deficiency conditions, and companies requiring turnaround expertise.
Our solutions may include provision of due diligence competence, business model investigation, financial and cost management analytics, identifying leadership and management effectiveness, and sourcing private debt and equity capital.
“Ultimately, the Business Owner and the Management Leadership must understand that their responsibility to Shareholders is to build value and the exit price they will receive when the Company is sold or merged. That presumes an understanding of the value today, how capital valuations are increased, and how to control business factors proactively long before the Divestment Program into the open market formally begins.”
Private Debt and Equity Network
The principals of our firm have developed strong network associations of high net worth clients in Canada, the United States and South America seeking high-quality debt and mezzanine financial securities stable growing companies.
We are pleased to represent our Clients as prospective investors to Company’s demonstrating integrity in business who are seeking debt and equity capital placements to grow their business.